Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Testament to my memory and time management skills

It truly takes a man of great scheduling and even better organization to not be able to find time in his "busy" schedule to not be able to post here in over a year.

No, I have not abandoned the project, nor did I forget about it, at least not for the majority of the absence in question.

I simply haven't been keeping as diligent records as I had been up until last year. So while I'm definitely ahead of the 4900 different cards that I was last up to here, I actually have no idea how much further as I lost the papers I was using to track the acquisitions as they came in. Inexcusable I know, but that's the best explanation I've got.

So while I go back to the basics and start to slowly catalog everything to get the numbers right again I will ease myself back into posting by highlighting some of the different cards I have managed to pick up during my impromptu hiatus. I should have the first of these up and going this week.

Similarly I'll probably set up another little blog entirely for fun where I can talk about cards that interest me and little junk wax breaks that I like to have from time to time in order to amuse myself. Should be an interesting summer for the blogging.

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