Monday, June 22, 2009

Full mailbox,,,,

A pleasant surprise awaited me this Monday as the mailbox was nearly overflowing with all manner of padded envelope and box-ness.

Apparently all my outstanding ebay purchases plus a few surprise and expected OBC packages left the mailman with some work to do.

So first, the all important OBC mail.

John Stamper surprised me with 8 hits to my 1968 Topps set (and some sharp looking cards to boot), including Felipe Alou and Johnny Callison and added in a hit to my 1961 set for good measure. Thanks John, quite unexpected but fantastically so.

The second OBC package was an expected one from Mac Wubben which put the 1974 Topps set on ice for me.

First I give you the card that precedes it which also arrived today courtesy of California Sportscards:
So with Pete being the 659th card of my set, here is the 660th and final nail in the coffin as provided by Mac:
The 1973 World Series card featuring Willie Mays. Can't complain too much at the star power on display for those two hits there.

So that completes the set and leaves a void in the wantlist which I shall endeavor to fill before the end of business today.

Now onto the rest of the California Sportscards package which consisted of:
  • 2 more singles for my 1956 Topps set (can never have enough of those)
  • Some "decent" stars as shown below:
And this guy:
Great prices on these guys, I just couldn't resist attacking the 1960 Topps set when such opportunities present themselves.

This theme is actually continued with another 2 card ebay group I bought:
And another San Francisco Giant.
Kaline, Ford, Willie Mays and a McCovey Rookie, all in the same day. Not a bad morning of sorting cards I would say and quite the large hits to the 60 Topps set.

Even with all that though, I still had one more 2 card ebay lot left:
1957 Topps Billy Martin. And to finish, another big hit to my favorite set of all...
1956 Topps Yogi Berra. With almost all the big names in hand I can feel that set getting closer and closer.

Lastly, and certainly not least (though it will remain without pictures as this post is long enough. I also received a 51-card lot of 1958 Topps, which garnered another 49 hits to that fledgling set.

Lot's of scratches off the wantlists today and lots of work with the calculator, but in total this mailday yielded hits to 7 different sets and total damage of 68 cards.
Cards in my Collection: 5,185
Total Cards needed: 17,936
Cards remaining to achieve goal: 12,751
Percentage Complete: 28.90%

Closing in on 5200 cards and 29% completion. Might be a bit before I can add to those numbers, but one can't complain with the recent surge in progress.

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