Sunday, January 14, 2007

Oh Canada Post... please your time...

My friends at Canada Post seem to have elected to take the scenic route for some of my recent Ebay winnings, so this past week was rather slow on the card front.

I did manage to accomplish something however as a visit downtown to see a friend of mine resulted in a side trip where I picked up 25 overpriced 1975 Topps singles at one of the shops in T.O.

My newly minted 75' set also received the addition of the Aaron Highlights #1 card via Ebay.

To round out the week I managed to find a pair of 1956 Topps that had mysteriously wandered into a pile of papers. Both turned out to be ones that I needed but had forgotten to file in the binder. The end result being another 2 hits to my list without actually receiving anything, which is always bitter-sweet since I like being closer to my goal but really hate misplacing things.

So this past week knocked 28 more cards off the list in total. Progress is progress, and I expect some more items to come in this week.

Cards in my Collection: 4,429
Total Cards needed: 17,936
Cards remaining to achieve goal: 13,507
Percentage Complete: 24.6%

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