Tuesday, January 2, 2007

First real update

The first mail day of 2007 has proven to be a fruitful one.

Although only one package came in the mail for me today, it was a good one as it contained my group of 10 1955 Bowman cards.

Getting 10 1950's cards in general is great, but 10 direct hits to my list is even better. The list at this moment thus stands at 177 cards remaining, meaning that I need another 17 more to be at the halfway mark. Not a bad package to start off the year right...

I'm still awaiting some hits to my 1970s lists that should come in sooner or later this month, but for today I shall be searching ebay carefully to see if I can't put some more dents in my lists.

After this package, my progress stands as follows:

Cards in my Collection: 4,401
Total Cards needed: 17,936
Cards remaining to achieve goal: 13,535
Percentage Complete: 24.5%

As you can see, this actually knocked me over the 4400 card mark, only 99 more before I can make such a claim again...

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