Monday, February 12, 2007

Big Envelope

Normally I wouldn't post an update right at the beginning of the week, but I was surprised with an envelope of sufficient note that it warrants it's own entry.

Contained within the large padded envelope was no less than 11 1974 Topps and 72 1975's. A few of the 74's were duplicates, but in total I was able to scratch off 80 numbers off of my lists.

Here is how things stand at the moment:

Cards in my Collection: 4,569
Total Cards needed: 17,936
Cards remaining to achieve goal: 13,367
Percentage Complete: 25.47%

I easily shot past 4500 cards and I've should pass 4600 before the dust settles on my recent ebay wins. The next major milestone is 5000 and I can see it in the horizon, maybe in a month or two depending on how much progress is made on the 75 list.

Clearly this means that this week is already the biggest week in terms of damage to my list since I started this little chronicle to keep track, so I'll just make the appropriate update to the counter and I should be back at the end of the week with (hopefully) a few more items I'm expecting.

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