Thursday, July 12, 2007

Back from the Dead...

Not really, although it would appear that way given my extended absence.

Unfortunately this summer has been slower than planned. Despite this however there remained a slow trickle of incoming items and now I can at least put together a post to recap them.

In May, Peter Mead sent along 5 hits to my 1968 Topps set. This puts me at 21% completion for the set, which is fairly reasonable given that I officially started the set at the end of last year and haven't done much with it for the last few months.

Just today another pair of envelopes came in:
- The first from Mark Talbot included 4 hits to my 1960 Topps list. These additions moved that set to over 42% completion, making 1960 Topps easily my closest to completion from the 60's. I think a fair goal for this year might be to shoot for 50% by the end of the calendar year. It will require a little bit of focus on the set, but it's certainly doable.
- The second package came from Steve Rittenberg. This envelope contained 7 hits to my dwindling 1974 Topps set. At just 26 short of completion I shall likely make a final push to complete that one before the summer is out before I add another set back onto the list. It's destined replacement on my list will be either the 1978 or 1966 Topps set. Time will tell on that one.

So that's it in terms of the update. With these additions taken into consideration my overall tally stands as follows:

Cards in my Collection: 4,717
Total Cards needed: 17,936
Cards remaining to achieve goal: 13,219
Percentage Complete: 26.29%